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Politics & Current Affairs on page 2

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I'm Not Complaining, I'm Just Sayin'...Memoirs of the Good and Bad in the Education System DERRICK TERRY
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620304020
For years many complained about various issues in the current education system such as over-crowded classrooms, obvious disparity in school resources, school violence, low graduation rates, and bullying to name a few. However, most employees within the school system are reluctant to voice their opinion(s) due to the risk of getting fired or blackballed. School systems too often rely on the opinions of outside entities to prescribe remedies for solutions to its problems instead of relying on invaluable resources from within. It is set to a realistic, debatable format and a prologue to pertinent topics within the school systems. The diverse and passionate collection of memoirs offers a ...
Books with a 1 star rating(12)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620302750
The Political Jottings and Meanderings of William T. Newton - Maryland Delegate to the Continental Congress
Not ALL Conservatives Are Constitutionalists Thomas Niewulis
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
“Not ALL Conservatives Are Constitutionalist” is a progression through a litany of definitions for Conservatism and a simplified single historical perspective of Constitutionalism. Tom looks at these two, not necessarily the same ideas in governance, from his personal thirty-year journey in politics. During the 2010 election cycle, the Constitutional Grass Roots stepped up and into their rightful role in the electoral decision process. This had instantaneously ignited the questions: 'What does it mean to be a Conservative candidate compared to a Constitutional candidate?' 'Doesn't a Conservative follow the Constitution in governing?' This work was originally published in 201 ...
Old Man Marathon Harold L. Mansfield
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Following a near-death experience, Rick Ellis becomes a world-class marathon runner, establishes a political party (PIP) and stands for President of the United States.
On the Edge: America Faces the Entitlements Cliff Mark E. Litow & Merrill Matthews, Ph.D.
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.25" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Entitlement programs have become an unsustainable financial strain on every developed economy, dragging those economies to the precipice of the fiscal cliff—if they haven’t already fallen off. This book’s theme is that when politicians set up entitlement programs to provide welfare, health care and pension benefits to certain populations, they overpromise benefits, underfund the programs, and misalign incentives—if not initially, then soon afterward. Over time, future elected officials expand the programs to cover more people with richer benefits, far outpacing the financing needed to sustain them. This book exposes those practices and provides actuarially sound long-term solutions.
Potholes, Parks, and Politics Lisa R. Shaffer
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781735855707
Politics, Parks, and Potholes is a guidebook to getting what you want from your local government. It is aimed at everyday residents who, until a problem arises, pay little or no attention to their city council or county board of supervisors. Then something triggers their concern and they don’t know how to engage in the process. Written by two former elected officials, the book takes a nonpartisan approach to helping residents who do not want to run for office or organize large protest movements. The audience for this guidebook includes: • Citizen activists • Civics classes at the high school or college level • Nonprofit organizations, regardless of political affiliation ...
Puzzle Rides S Richardson
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781682739846
Mystery book of a caregiver and a young that details various journeys that involve deliveries. Caution! The language is rebel and informal so steer as you proceed and ride along for the read.
Restoring America Ray Cziczo
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Our nation was founded on the principles of individual freedoms, personal responsibility, and a limited and defined central government. Our Declaration of Independence stated that it was our Creator that endowed us with unalienable rights, among those, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That all men are created equal. That is was the purpose of a central government to secure those unalienable rights. Our nation has changed a lot and not for the better. We have come a long way since the Revolutionary War and we seemed to have come full circle. The very tyranny and usurpation of citizens that punctuated life under British rule has revisited us. Patrick Henry said, “Why stand ...
So you want to be a union leader? Paul Betzler
Books with a 5 star rating(3)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885674126
So you want to lead your union? Developing a plan to leading and navigating the hurdles of your membership and your union. Offering practical examples of real experiences during a twenty five year career representing from the shop floor to a mid level elected position. Navigating the politics of your members, and other elected officials in a large amalgamated union. Self-help for those interested in union leadership or those desiring a better understanding of the inner workings of a union local.
Socialism for Young Folks and everyone else.... Jamshid R. Davis
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Turn on the news and one can hear politicians, reporters and opinion makers accusing one another of socialism (or even communism) . Though they never explain what they mean by those words. Often saying contrary and inconsistent things. Making it appear they do not even know what they are talking about. So, if you want to learn about socialism the best way is to ask a socialist. We will begin by asking: So, what is Socialism really about?

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